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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Mississippian
Kinds of fossils: Corals, brachiopods
Quadrangle or area: Point Hope quad.; Lisburne Peninsula
Shipment No.: A-65-6
Referred by: Tailleur, Irv L.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr. , Armstrong, Augustus K.
Date: 03/16/1978

This report covers 36 collections from the Mississippian rocks in the Lisburne Peninsula, northwestern Alaska. All the identifiable fossils indicate a Late Mississippian age, ranging from Mamet Foram Zone 13 to, possibly, Zone 18. This cover the full range of time represented by the Alapah Limestone in the central Brooks Range and, naturally, fits into the stratigraphic scheme presented by Armstrong and others (1981) for the rocks along the coast of the peninsula. In that paper, and in later revisions by Armstrong and Mamet (1977), the Nasorak Formation is shown to be of Zone 15-16i age, the overlying Kogruk Formation ranges from Zones 16s to Zone 18, and the older isolated Lisburne rocks, assigned to the Kogruk, are Zone 13 and possibly 14 in age. The Nasorak represents a dark, cherty shaly limestone facies that interrupts the platform carbonates of the Kogruk in late Visean time. Similar facies relations occur in the Alapah Limestone of the central Brooks Range.


Armstrong, A.K., Mamet, B.L., and Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1971, Lisburne Group, Cape Lewis-Niak Creek, northwestern Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 750-B, p. B23-B34.

Armstrong, A.K., and Mamet, B.L., 1977, Carboniferous Microfacies, Microfossils, and Corals, Lisburne Group, Arctic Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 849, 144 p., 47 pls. [1978]

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64ATr1 (27127-PC) , Point Hope , 68 deg. 19 min. N., 166 deg. 00 min. W. The first 6 collections are from exposures on Nalakachak Creek, in the SE part of T. 34 N., R. 32 E., from beds considered by Tailleur to be basal Lisburne or sub-Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Lithostrotion (S.) warreni (Nelson)
Orthotetes aff. O. kaskaskiensis McChesney
64ATr3 (27128-PC) , Point Hope , 68 deg. 18 min. 55 sec. N., 165 deg. 59 min. 30 sec. W. The first 6 collections are from exposures on Nalakachak Creek, in the SE part of T. 34 N., R. 32 E., from beds considered by Tailleur to be basal Lisburne or sub-Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Leiorhynchoidea cf. L. polypleura (Girty)
Moorefieldella? sp.
64ATr4 (27129-PC) , Point Hope , 68 deg. 18 min. 55 sec. N., 165 deg. 59 min. 30 sec. W. The first 6 collections are from exposures on Nalakachak Creek, in the SE part of T. 34 N., R. 32 E., from beds considered by Tailleur to be basal Lisburne or sub-Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
echinoderm debris, indet.
fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
horn corals, undet.
Schizophoria sp.
orthotetid, indet.
Leiorhynchoidea sp.
Chonetes sp.
Ovatia sp.
Quadratia? sp.
Echinoconchus sp.
productoid, indet.
Spirifer cf. S. arkansanus Girty
Anthracospirifer sp.
Dimegelasma? sp.
Cleiothyridina sp.
64ATr5 (27130-PC) , Point Hope , 68 deg. 18 min. 20 sec. N., 166 deg. 00 min. W. The first 6 collections are from exposures on Nalakachak Creek, in the SE part of T. 34 N., R. 32 E., from beds considered by Tailleur to be basal Lisburne or sub-Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Leiorhynchoidea cf. L. polypleura (Girty)
64ATr11 (27131-PC) , Point Hope , 68 deg. 17 min. 50 sec. N., 166 deg. 2 min. 50 sec. W. The first 6 collections are from exposures on Nalakachak Creek, in the SE part of T. 34 N., R. 32 E., from beds considered by Tailleur to be basal Lisburne or sub-Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Ovatia? sp.
Cleiothyridina? sp.
64ATr12 (27132-PC) , Point Hope , 68 deg. 18 min. 20 sec. N., 166 deg. 1 min. 30 sec. W. The first 6 collections are from exposures on Nalakachak Creek, in the SE part of T. 34 N., R. 32 E., from beds considered by Tailleur to be basal Lisburne or sub-Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
echinoderm debris and columnals, indet.
Schizophoria sp.
Chonetes sp.
Anthracospirifer sp.
64ATr22 BFC (27133-PC) , Point Hope , Kayak Mtn.[Note by R.B. Blodgett: Tailleur probably meant Kayaksak Mtn.) east of junction of Kukpuk and Ipewik Rivers. This is only collection at station 22 with identifiable fossils and may represent the lowest beds on Kukpuk River, although transmittal form is not clear on this. If so, the location is: 68 deg. 20 min. 20 sec. N., 165 deg. 42 min. 20 sec. W. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Lithostrotion (S.) sinuosum (Kelly)
Lithostrotionella niakensis Armstrong
64ATr27 (27134-PC) , Point Hope , Near Igruwotalik Creek west of hills, 68 deg. 27 min. 10 sec. N., 165 deg. 46 min. 10 sec. W.; Nasorak-Kogruk transitional Zone. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Lithostrotion (S.) warreni (Nelson)
fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
Cystodictya sp.
echinoderm debris, indet.
Pugnoides sp.
rhynchonelloids, indet.
Eumetria? sp.
medium-spired gastropod, indet.
64ATr33 (27135-PC) , Point Hope , Between Kugirarok and Igruwotalik Creeks, north of Kukpuk River; 68 deg. 57 min. 10 sec. N., 165 deg. 51 min. 20 sec. W.; probably lower Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)[Note by R.B. Blodgett: wrong latitude given, should be corrected against field sheets, from description given by Tailleur I suspect 68 deg. 27 min. 10 sec. was meant]
Lithostrotionella birdi Armstrong
orthotetid, indet.
rhynchonelloids, indet.
Spirifer cf. S. arkansanus Girty
64ATr44 (27136-PC) , Point Hope , East interfluve of Taktelek Creek, north of Kukpuk River; 68 deg. 14 min. 20 sec. N., 165 deg. 56 min. 40 sec. W.; probably middle to upper Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
corals not determined, apparently lost
fenestrate bryozoans, indet.
blastoid fragment, indet.
Overtonia? sp.
dictyoclostid, indet.
Anthracospirifer sp.
Cleiothyridina sp.
Punctospirifer sp.
64ATr102a (27137-PC) , Point Hope , Five miles SW of Mt. Itsalik, northern hills; 68 deg. 40 min. N., 165 deg. 51 min. 30 sec. W.; lower part of Kogruk Fm. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Faberophyllum? sp.
bryozoans, indet.
orthotetid, indet.
Anthracospirifer sp.
64ATr102b (27138-PC) , Point Hope , Same loc. as above [note by R.B. Blodgett, referring to 64TAr102a] , but probably tongue of Kogruk lithology within Nasorak Formation. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
horn corals, undet. (probably lost)
chonetid, indet.
Echinoconchus sp.
Spirifer cf. S. arkansanus Girty
Anthracospirifer sp.
64ATr102c (27139-PC) , Point Hope , Same loc. as above, but collection from talus over basal Lisburne. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
fenetrate bryozoans, indet.
chonetids, indet.
dictyoclostids, indet.
Leptagonia sp.
Brachythyris sp.
pelecypod fragments, indet.
64ATr104 (27140-PC) , Point Hope , Head of Kapaloak Creek, middle hills; 68 deg. 40 min. 10 sec. N., 166 deg. 01 min. 10 sec. W.; probably near contact of Nasoruk and Kogruk Fms. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Echinoconchus cf. E. genevievensis Weller
64ATr110 (27141-PC) , Point Hope , Near Mt. Nasak, middle hills; 68 deg. 34 min. 10 sec. N., 165 deg. 43 min. 30 sec. W.; lower Kogruk, overlying upper Kogruk by thrust). (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Syringopora sp.
Lithostrotionella niakensis Armstrong
Lithostrotion (S.) warreni (Nelson)
productoid, indet.
Anthracospirifer? sp.
64ATr119 , Point Hope , No description given in Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78. Collection contained only an indeterminate brachiopod and was discarded.
indeterminate brachiopod
64ATr152C (27142-PC) , Point Hope , Summit of hill overlooking AC&W camp at Cape Lisburne; 68 deg. 51 min. 40 sec. N., 166 deg. 06 min. W.; lower Kogruk or Nasorak Fm. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Eumetria sp.
Chonetes sp.
possibly Moorefieldella sp.
64ATr152D (27143-PC) , Point Hope , Same loc. as above. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: referring to locality 64ATr152C] (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Lithostrotion (S.) sinuosum (Kelly)
64AAn63a (27144-PC) , Point Hope , North of Ipewik River; 68 deg. 27 min. 10 sec. N., 165 deg. 38 min. 40 sec. W.; Kogruk Fm. (description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Lithostrotionella banffensis (Warren) s.l.
Lithostrotionella niakensis Armstrong
Lithostrotion (S.) warreni (Nelson)
64AAn63b (27145-PC) , Point Hope , Same loc. as above. [Note by R.B. Blodgett: referring to loc. 64AAn63a](description from Dutro and Armstrong E&R report of 3/16/78)
Lithostrotion (S.) warreni (Nelson)
Lithostrotionella birdi Armstrong