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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Undetermined
Kinds of fossils: Pollen-Spores
Quadrangle or area: Arctic, Christian Quads.
Shipment No.: A-72-24
Referred by: Brosge, William P. , Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Report prepared by: Scott, R. A.
Date: 11/13/1972

This report deals with palynological samples from the following field localities: 72ABe235, 235B, 236, 290, 323.

None of these samples yielded plant microfossils, and they have been discarded.

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Collections are from a subgraywacke unit that is probably Devonian, but which rests on Triassic or younger rocks over a large area. Paleozoic plants (Mamay, 11/4/60) and Devonian spores (Scott, 12/16/65) occur in a 1960 collection (60ABe661, USNM 41849) from the same locality as B236.

Do the spores indicate that all the subgraywacke is the same age? Could it be in part Mesozoic?

User Note module to be added
72ABe235 , Christian , Christian quad., 67 deg. 54' N., 145 degrees 18' W. Orange weatehring platy subgraywacke containing chips of shale and bottom marks; interbedded dark gray micaceous silty shale and clay shale. 72ABe235 for spores. (Plants B234 submitted separately) (description from transmittal sheet of Brosge)
72ABe235B , Christian , Christian quad., 67 degrees 54' N., 145 degrees, 18' W. Interbedded sandstone, shale and siltstone with ironstone and plants. 72ABe235B spores. (Plants 235B submitted separately)
72ABe236 , Christian , Christian quad., 67 degrees 51' N., 145 degrees 24' W. (same locality as 60ABe661). Subgraywacke and grit; beds 1/2 - 1 1/2 ft thick; thin partings of black shale and siltstone. 72ABe236 for spores. (Plants B236 submitted separately) (description from transmittal sheet of Brosge)
72ABe290 , Arctic , Arctic quad., 68 degrees 20 1/2' N., 145 degrees 51 1/2' W. Sandstone, orange and olive weathering , dark gray, fine grained limonitic, thin to medium beds; one thin bed of yellow calcareous sandstone; black shale and ironstone, plant fragments. 72ABe290 for spores. (Microfossil sample submitted separately) (description from transmittal sheet of Brosge)
72ABe323 , Arctic , Arctic quad., 68 degrees 20' N., 144 degrees 17 1/2' W. Olive to orange weathering, ine, quartzitic subgraywacke; black shale and siltstone with plant scraps. 72ABe323 for spores. (description from transmittal sheet of Brosge)