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Stratigraphic range: Callovian (Late Middle Jurassic)
Kinds of fossils: Mollusks
Quadrangle or area: Karluk and Ugashik quads.
Shipment No.: A-81-11
Referred by: Detterman, Robert L.
Report prepared by: Imlay, Ralph W.
Date: 02/19/1981


Ages of the Shelikof Formation between Wide Bay and Puale Bay based on ammonites

The ammonites collected in 1980 from the Shelikof Formation on the Alaska Peninsula represent most the same taxa that were collected previously (Imlay, Prof. Paper 836, p. 3, 7, 12, 13) except for the absence of Kepplerites and the presence of Xenocephalites. Among the genera present, Pseudocadoceras in Europe (Prof. Paper 836, fig. 7) ranges from the upper part of the lower Callovian to the top of the Callovian. In southern Alaska Pseudocadoceras occurs in the upper three fourths of the Chinitna Formation in beds that are dated as late early and middle Callovian (See Prof. Paper 836, p. 6, 14). On the Alaska Peninsula Pseudocadoceras ranges from the very top of the lower member of the Shelikof Formation into the basal beds of the upper member and is dated as mainly of middle Callovian age (Prof. Paper 836, p. 12, 14). Stenocadoceras in Europe ranges upward from upper lower Callovian to the lower part of the upper Callovian (Prof. Paper 836, fig. 7 on p. 13). Stenocadoceras in southern Alaska has stratigraphic and age ranges identical with those of Pseudocadoceras. Cadoceras in Europe and in Alaska ranges through beds of early and middle Callovian ages, but the species Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj in Alaska has been found ony in beds of early Callovian age. Iniskinites and Xenocephalites west of Cook Inlet occur throughout much of the Bowser Formation of Bathonian age. They occur also in the basal beds of the Chinitna and Shelikof Formations which are of earliest Callovian rather than latest Bathonian age based on their associations with Cadoceras (See Prof. Paper 1091, p. 14-16 and PP. 836, p. 6).

In summation, most of the ammonites collected in 1980 from the Shelikof Formation were obtained from the middle member and are of middle Callovian age. Ammonites that are definitely of early Callovian age include Cadoceras catastoma Pompeckj at localities 80ADt216 and 80ADt216A, Xenocephalites at locality 80ADt239, and Iniskinites at locality 80ACe153. Elsewhere in southern Alaska, Cadoceras catostoma has been found only in beds of early Callovian age; Xenocephalites ranges upward through most of the Bathonian sequence (see Prof. Paper 1091, figs. 2 and 5) but occurs also into the basal beds of the Chinitna Formation; and Iniskinites ranges upward through the late middle to late Bathonian sequence into the basal beds of the Chinitna Formation. Neither Xenocephalites or Iniskinites range into the basal part of the range of Cadoceras catostoma (see Prof. Paper 836, p. 12, 14, and Prof. Paper 1091, p. 14).


Phylloceras bakeri - 80ACe224, 80AAy1.
Phylloceras cf. P. bakeri Imlay - 80ADt 238D
Phylloceras sp. - 80ACe222
Xenocephalites hebetus Imlay - 80ADt239
Lilloettia stantoni Imlay - 80ADt216A
Lilloettia sp. - 80AJm13A
Iniskinites sp. - 80AJm13A
Cadoceras wosnessenskii (Grewingk) - 80ACe185, 185B, 198; 80ADt216
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckji - 80ACe185, 185B, 198; 80ADt216
Catostoma tenuicostatum Imlay - 80AAy60A, 80ACe198
Cadoceras spp. - 80ACe105, 80AAy60, 80ACx30
Cadoceras? sp. 80ACx19, 80AJm7
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) cf. C. (S).) striatum Imlay - 80ACe119, 80AJm8
C. (Stenocadoceras) stiatum Imlay - 80AWs249
C. (Stenocadoceras) multicostatum Imlay - 80ACe147, 151B, 205A, 220, 222, 80AAy1, 60, 60A
C. (Stenocadoceras) cf. C. (S.) multicostatum Imlay - 80ADt204, 211, 275, 245
C. (Stenocadoceras) iniskinense Imlay - 80ADt338C
C. (Stenocadoceras) cf. C. (S). iniskinense Imlay - 80ACe205A
C. (Stenocadoceras) stenoloboide Pompeckj - 80ADt245
C. (Stenocadoceras) cf. C. (Stenocadoceras) stenoloboide Pompeckj - 80ADt238B, Fs 2 on Helen Creek.
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) sp. - 80ADt238D, 80AJm1
C. (Stenocadoceras?) sp. - 80ADt274
Pseudocadoceras petelini (Pompeckj) - 80ACe105, 111, 113A; 80ADt181, 202, 203, 291, 265; 80AAy82
Pseudocadoceras cf. P. petelini (Pompeckj) - 80ACe220, 80ADt238A
Pseudocadoceras cf. P. schmidti (Pompeckj) - 80ACe185A
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj) - 80ACe220, 80ADt181, 202, 265, 80AJm7
Pseudocadoceras crassicostatum Imlay - 80AAy82
Pseudocadoceras sp. - 80ADt238B

User Note module to be added
80ADt181 , Karluk , Karluk C-6 quad., sec. 25, T. 29 S., R. 40 W., lat. 57 deg. 38 min. 42 sec. N., long. 155 deg. 46 min. 55 sec. W., near the mouth of Oil Creek, siltstone.
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
Pseudocadoceras petelini (Pompeckj)
80ADt199 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-1 quad., sec. 22, T. 33 S., R. 44 W., lat. 57 deg. 18 min. 42 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 19 min. 58 sec. W., 1.3 mi. N. 36 deg. W of triangulation station Kayak, siltstone.
80ADt201A , Ugashik , Ugashik B-2 quad., sec. 22, T. 33 S., R. 44 W., lat. 57 deg. 19 min. 20 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 20 min. 50 sec. W., .55 miles S. 26 deg. W. of tri. sta. Titcliff, sandstone.
Ammonite fragment
80ADt202 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-2 quad., secs. 16 and 21, T. 33 S., R. 44 W., lat. 57 deg. 19 min. 20 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 21 min. 45 sec. W., about 1 mi. S. 53 deg. W. of tri. sta. Titcliff, conglomerate.
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
Pseudocadoceras petelini (Pompeckj)
80ADt203 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-2 quad., sec. 21, T. 33 S., R. 44 W., lat. 57 deg. 19 min. 05 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 22 min. 20 sec. W., 1.5 miles S. 54 deg. W. of tri. sta. Titcliff, siltstone.
Pseudocadoceras petelini (Pompeckj)
80ADt204 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-2 quad., sec. 21, T. 33 S., R. 44 W., lat. 57 deg. 19 min. 04 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 22 min. 48 sec. W., 1.7 miles S. 58 deg. of tri. sta. Titcliff, conglomerate.
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) cf. C. (S.) multicostatum Imlay
80ADt211 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-2 quad., sec. 35, T. 32 S., R. 45 W., lat. 57 deg. 22 min. 24 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 32 min. 40 sec. W., 3.1 miles N. 32 deg. W. of tri. sta. Spit, siltstone.
Bivalve undetermined
80ADt216 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-1 quad., secs. 32 and 33, T. 31 S., R. 43 W., lat. 57 deg. 27 min. 33 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 17 min. 08 sec. W., .9 miles N. 60 deg. W. from tri. sta. Ridge, limestone.
Cadoceras wosnessenskii Grewingk
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
80ADt216A , Ugashik , same loc. as 216, 20 ft. lower in the section, limestone bed.
Lilloetia stantoni Imlay
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj
80ADt238A , Ugashik , Ugashik B-2 quad., sec. 26, T. 33 S., R. 46 W., lat. 57 deg. 17 min. 55 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 37 min. 50 sec. W., .5 mile S. 19 deg. E. of tri. sta. Alai, below conglomerate in sandstone siltstone sequence.
Pseudocadoceras cf. P. petelini (Pompeckj)
80ADt238B , Ugashik , same location as 238A, 50 ft. below, siltstone.
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) cf. C.(S.) stenoloboide Pompeckj
Pseudocadoceras sp.
80ADt238C , Ugashik , same location as 238A, 75 ft. below.
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) iniskense Imlay
Bivalves undetermined
80ADt238D , Ugashik , same location as 238A, 125 ft. below, siltstone.
Phylloceras cf. P. bakeri Imlay
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) sp.
80ADt239 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-2 quad., sec. 26, T. 33 S., R. 46 W., lat. 57 deg. 17 min. 45 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 37 min. 15 sec. W., .8 mile S. 38 deg. E. of tri. stat. Alai, siltstone.
Xenocephalites hebetus Imlay
80ADt241 , Ugashik , Ugashik C-1 quad., sec. 14, T. 31 S., R. 43 W., lat. 156 deg. 12 min. 59 sec. W., 5.9 miles S. 60 deg. W. of Mount Becharof, siltstone.
80ADt245 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-1 quad., sec. 28, T. 32 S., R. 43 W., lat. 57 deg. 22 min. 58 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 16 min. 40 sec., .33 miles N. 64 deg. W. of tri. sta. Terrace, siltstone.
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) stenoloboide Pompeckj
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) cf. C. (S.) multicostatum Imlay
80ADt265 , Ugashik , Ugashik B-1 quad., sec. 28, T. 32 S., R. 43 W., lat. 57 deg. 23 min. 05 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 15 min. 45 sec. W., northeast shore of Teres Island, 1/4 mi. southeast of north end of island. Massive siltstone about 200 ft. thick.
Pseudocadoceras grewingki (Pompeckj)
Pseudocadoceras petelini (Pompeckj)
80ADt274 , Ugashik , Ugashik A-3 quad., sec. 16, T. 34 S., R. 46 W., lat. 57 deg. 14 min. 50 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 41 min. 20 sec. W., 2 miles S. 53 deg. W. of tri. sta. Ice on Lone Hill, sandstone.
Cadoceras? (Stenocadoceras?) sp.
80ADt275 , Ugashik , Ugashik A-3 quad., sec. 16, T. 34 S., R. 46 W., lat. 57 deg. 14 min. 29 sec. N., long. 156 deg. 41 min. 39 sec. W., 2.4 miles S. 47 deg. W. of tri. sta. Ice on Lone Hill, siltstone.
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) cf. C. (S.) multicostatum Imlay
80ADt291 , Karluk , Karluk C-4 and 5 quad., T. 29 S., R. 39 W., lat. 57 deg. 40 min. 38 sec. N., long. 155 deg. 37 min. 51 sec. W., 2 mi. due W. of Cape Aklek, siltstone.
Pseudocadoceras petelini (Pompeckj)