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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Upper Triassic(?)
Kinds of fossils: Pelecypods and other marine invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Sitka D-2
Shipment No.: A-59-7M
Referred by: Lathram, E. H.
Report prepared by: Silberling, Norman J.
Date: 08/12/1959

Brief statement of problem and remarks (from collector):
Determination of general age of the material will add in solution of structural and stratigraphic problems encountered during field mapping currently under way in central Admiralty Island. At this time, only brief, perhaps informal, period classification of collection is desired.

User Note module to be added
59ABg416 , Sitka , Sitka D-2 coords: 2.58, 14.38. 57 deg. 57.5'N., 134 deg. 35.0'W. (description from Silberling E&R report) [Transmittal sheet of Lathram, dated August 12, 1959, provides following description: Thin to medium bedded fine to medium grained light gray to brown limestone and marble, interbedded with light to dark carbonaceous slate, light gray fine grained phyllite, or sericitic slate. Overlies, and is possibly infolded with, crystalline siliceous schist, greenschist, and graphitic schist. Contact is probably unconformable, and possible faulted.

The limestone is moderately to intensely deformed, and tight folding and shearing are dominant structural features. Lineated. Unit is not entirely exposed and thickness complicated structurally, but probably exceeds 75 feet. Possible Mesozoic - field stratigraphic assignment. Sitka D-2 coords: (2.58, 14.38) 57 deg. 57.5'N, 134 deg. 35.00'W]

pelecypods that appear to represent a Halobia with ribbing like that of H. ornatissima Smith
indeterminate spiriferid brachiopod
perhaps other kinds of brachiopods
badly sheared coelenterates, .....
..... some of which may be spongiomorph hydrozoans