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Report on Referred Fossils
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Stratigraphic range: Triassic and Indeterminate
Kinds of fossils: Marine Invertebrates
Quadrangle or area: Talkeetna Mountains D-2, Alaska
Shipment No.: A-75-17M
Referred by: Smith, T. E.
Report prepared by: Nichols, K. M. , Silberling, Norman J.
Date: 05/19/1975

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73Ast63 , Talkeetna Mts , These fossils were colleccted from carbonate bodies in Amphitheater Group lavas. To date, the only age control we have for this extrusive unit are in the very uppermost part near Clearwater Gulch to the east. There, Halobia and Monotis document an Upper Triassic age. These collections are from the lowermost part of the flow sequence (107, 109) and the middle (63). I hope they may establish the onset of Triassic volcanism. No detailed geographic information given in E&R, but transmittal sheet has accompanying map which shows locality in NE1/4 Sec. 18, T33N, R9E of Talkeetna Mtns. D-3 quadrangle.
Halobia cf. H. symmetrica Smith
73Ast107 , Talkeetna Mts , These fossils were colleccted from carbonate bodies in Amphitheater Group lavas. To date, the only age control we have for this extrusive unit are in the very uppermost part near Clearwater Gulch to the east. There, Halobia and Monotis document an Upper Triassic age. These collections are from the lowermost part of the flow sequence (107, 109) and the middle (63). I hope they may establish the onset of Triassic volcanism. No detailed geographic information given in E&R but transmittal sheet included map which indicated location is in NE 1/4 Sec. 32, T33N, R9E of the Talkeetna Mtns. D-3 quad.
Crinoid columnals
73Ast109 , Talkeetna Mts , These fossils were colleccted from carbonate bodies in Amphitheater Group lavas. To date, the only age control we have for this extrusive unit are in the very uppermost part near Clearwater Gulch to the east. There, Halobia and Monotis document an Upper Triassic age. These collections are from the lowermost part of the flow sequence (107, 109) and the middle (63). I hope they may establish the onset of Triassic volcanism. No detailed locality description given in E&R report, but accompanying transmittal sheet includes map which indicates locality is in the SE 1/4 Sec. 13, T32N, R9E of the Talkeetna Mtns. D-2 quadrangle.
Crinoid bebris
73Ast1397 , Talkeetna Mts , This collection is from a carbonate unit within a pillow lava sequence. This terrane contains both Triassic and Late Paleozoic lava sequences. I believe the host rocks of this collection are correlative with the Amphitheater Group some miles to the northeast (Triassic).
Crinoid columnals
ramose bryozoa