Sample: Sample No. 83DB229A
Locality: Field No. 83DB229A
Description: Skagway B-4 quad.; 59o 24 min. 22 sec. N., 136o 26 min., 32 sec. W.; 2.3 mi. N. of 30-32o E. of summit of Mt. Henry Clay on US-Canada boundary west of Haines, Alaska: unnamed carbonate unit. Collector: Earl Redman, Hawley Assoc., 1983.
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Skagway B-4
Lat.: 59o24'22 " Long.: 136o26'32 "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1984 (05/14)
These five collections have no invertebrate megafossils that could give definitive ages. One collection has a large amount of bone (83DB231A) that may be identifiable. Three collections have similar, poorly preserved cross-sections of indeterminate orthocones and one of these has a tabulate coral of "pre-Carboniferous aspect." All three might be about the same age (83DB232A, 83DB233A and 83DB229A). The fifth collection (83DB230A) has no recognizable organic debris. All collections will be turned over to Anita Harris for processing for possible conodonts.
Report by: J. Thomas Dutro , Jr.
Referred by: David A. Brew
Age: Paleozoic
Formation: Unnamed (Unnamed carbonate unit)
Comment:Black, carbonaceous carbonate with section of indeterminate orthoconic cephalopod.
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Cephalopods section of indeterminate orthoconic cephalopod