Sample: Sample No. Locality 2 of Eakins, Gilbert, and Bundtzen, 1978
Locality: Field No. Locality 2 of Eakins, Gilbert, and Bundtzen, 1978
Description: None given in Eakins, Gilbert, and Bundtzen (1978). ["Fossils were collected from a lens of light-gray, partially recrystallized limestone (fig. 1). The lens is about 10 m thick and can be traced for about 200 m along strike. The limestone displays vague sedimentary laminations, is locally folded, contains greenstone detritus, and appears to be interbedded with a the surrounding greenstone." (from Bundtzen, Gilbert, and Blodgett, 1979, p. 34)]
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Lake Clark C-5
Lat.: 60o35.7 ' Long.: 154o34.0 '
Title: The Chilikadrotna Greenstone, an Upper Silurian metavolcanic sequence in the central Lake Clark quadrangle, Alaska, in Short Notes on Alaska Geology - 1978 ,  1979
Report by: T. K. Bundtzen , Wyatt G. Gilbert , Robert B. Blodgett
Age:Late Triassic (Revised; Robert B. Blodgett, 02/18/2005 ) (original assignment: Wenlockian)
Formation:Chilikadtrona Greenstone (Revised; Robert B. Blodgett, 02/19/2005 ) (original assignment: Chilikadtrona Greenstone)
Comment:The following fossils were identified by Blodgett: -Stromatoporoids, - undetermined solitary rugose coral, - Pentamerus or Pentameroides sp., - Palaeopecten sp., -undetermined rhynchonellid brachiopods.

The brachiopods Pentamerus or Pentameroides were identified on the basis of external form; the two closely related genera are distinguished on the basis of internal morphology. The stratigraphic range of these genera is given by Amsden (Williams and other, 1965) as between upper Llandoverian (upper Lower Silurian) and Wenlockian (lower Upper Silurian). Both genera have been reported in similar age strata of the Tolovana Limestone of the White Mountains, central Alaska (Dutro, in Oliver and others, 1975, p. 26). The range of the bivalve Palaeopecten is Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian (Newell, in Cox and others, 1969, p. N334). The composite range of the two identified taxa suggests a Wenlockian (early Late Silurian) age for the locality.

[NOTE BY R.B. Blodgett, newer conodont data indicates that this locality is of Late Triassic age, and that these taxa were obviously misidentified by myself in 1978]

No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Stromatoporoids Stromatoporoids
2 Rugose Corals undetermined solitary rugose coral
3 Brachiopods Pentamerus ....
4 Brachiopods ...... or Pentameroides sp.
5 Brachiopods undetermined rhynchonelloid brachiopods
6 Bivalves Palaeopecten sp.

Title: Preliminary bedrock geology and mineral resource potential of the west-central Lake Clark quadrangle, Alaska ,  1978
Report by: G. R. Eakins , Wyatt G. Gilbert , T. K. Bundtzen
Age:Late Triassic (Revised; Robert B. Blodgett, 02/18/2005 ) (original assignment: Late Silurian)
Formation:Chilikadtrona Greenstone (Revised; Robert B. Blodgett, 02/19/2005 ) (original assignment: Sl unit of Eakins, Gilbert, and Bundtzen (1978))
Comment:[Note by R.B. Blodgett: approximate lat./long. coordinates (60o 35.7 N, 154o 34.0 W) determined by digitization of the fossil locality as shown on Pl. 1 (geologic map, scale: 1:125,000) of Eakins, Gilbert, and Bundtzen (1978)]
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Stromatoporoids stromatoporoids
2 Rugose Corals undet. solitary rugose coral
3 Brachiopods Pentamerus or .....
4 Brachiopods ......... Pentameroides sp.
5 Brachiopods undet. rhynchonellid brachiopods
6 Bivalves Palaeopecten(?) sp.