Sample: Sample No. REISERHN19740809
Locality: Field No. REISERHN19740809
Description: [Original locality number and description are not given]
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Wiseman D-2
Township&Range: T36N R13W Section: Sec. 21
Lat.: 67o55'50 " Long.: 150o41'05 "
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1975 (05/06)
Report by: K. M. Nichols , Norman J. Silberling
Referred by: H. N. Reiser
Age: Carnian-Norian
Comment:Age: Lake Karnian to early Norian.
Equivalent in stratigraphic position to the upper part of the "chert member" of the "Shublik" in the central North Slope (i.e., Tiglukpuk Creek) and to about 150-250 feet below the top of the Shublik in the Fire Creek section.
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Bivalves Halobia of. the H. zitteli - H. ornatissima group