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Dutro, J.1973Report on Referred Fossils
Pojeta, John1966Report on Referred Fossils
Pojeta, John1966Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1955Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1954Report on Referred Fossils
Grant, Richard1970Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1953Report on Referred Fossils
Duncan, Helen1960Report on Referred Fossils
Stanton, T.1912Report on Referred Fossils
Dutro, J.1971Report on Referred Fossils
Dutro, J.1972Report on Referred Fossils
Dutro, J.1972Report on Referred Fossils
Rowett, Charles1969Upper Palaeozoic Stratigraphy and Corals from the East-Central Alaska Range, Alaska
Marincovich, Louie1985Report on Referred Fossils
Silberling, Norman1962Report on Referred Fossils
Gordon, Mackenzie1957Mississippian Cephalopods of North and Eastern Alaska
Hahn, Gerhard; Blodgett, Robert; Gilbert, Wyatt1985First recognition of the Gshelian (Upper Pennsylvanian) trilobite Brachymetopos pseudometopina Gauri and Ramovs in North America; and a description of accompanying trilobites from west-central Alaska
Silberling, Norman1965Report on Referred Fossils
Jones, David1972Report on Referred Fossils
Dutro, J.1980Report on Referred Fossils
Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia; Harris, Anita2003New occurrences of Late Paleozoic and Triassic fossils from the Seventymile and Yukon-Tanana terranes, east-central Alaska, with comments on previously published occurrences in the same area
Martin, G.1926Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Alaska
Dutro, J.1968Report on Referred Fossils
Silberling, Norman1961Report on Referred Fossils
Imlay, Ralph1953Report on Referred Fossils
Detterman, Robert; Hartsock, John1966Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni Region, Alaska
Detterman, Robert; Hartsock, John1966Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni Region, Alaska [last half of single issue publication]
Miller, John; Elder, William; Detterman, Robert1995Mesozoic macrofossil locality map, checklists, and pre-Quaternary stratigraphic section of the Mt. Katmai and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska
Moffit, Fred1906Gold fields of Turnagain Arm region
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