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Stratigraphic range: Permian
Kinds of fossils: Brachiopods, bryozoans
Quadrangle or area: Skagway A-3 quad., SE Alaska
Shipment No.: A-67-6M
Referred by: Brew, David A.
Report prepared by: Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 03/30/1976

With regard to collection 66ABd173C (USGS 22852-PC), I have re-examined the material and find coarsely silicified fragments of three brachiopods, in addition to the abundant bryozoans. None of the fragments is definitely identifiable to genus, but there is a large productoid pedicle valve, a wide-hinged spiriferoid and a rhynchonelloid. This association would not be expected in rocks older than Carboniferous, and I suspect that the rhynchonelloid is a fragment of SEPTACAMERA which has been found in Permian rocks elsewhere in southeastern Alaska.

These brachiopods strengthen the assignment of the bryozoans to RHOMBOTRYPELLA (see Duncans report of 6/15/67).

I have also re-examined 66AHx246 (USGS 22842-PC) and suggest that the other rhynchonelloid reported in my letter of 5/19/67 is probably SEPTACAMERA. The association is, therefore, even more strongly suggestive of a Permian age.

Concerning Permian in the Glacier Bay area, the collection 66AHx115 is definitely Permian as I reported last year (report on shipment A-75-7 dated 2/28/75, copy enclosed).

As you can see, the common tie among these three collections is SEPTACAMERA, and there can be no doubt about the identifications in 66AHx115. I do not know the precise geographic relationships, but from your map in PP 632, there does not appear to be more than about .25 miles separating them.

Consequently, it is reasonable to assign all three collections to the Permian, most likely with a late Leonardian (Antinskian) age.

The collection is being retained.

User Note module to be added
66ABd 173C (22852-PC) , Skagway , Locality 66ABD 173 C (D.A.Brew). Casement Glacier Area - Skagway A-3 quadrangle.
large product pedicle valve
wide-hinged spiriferoid
Septacamera? fragment
66AHx246 (22842-PC) , Skagway , 8.2 miles N.6 deg. E. from ice nunatak in SW1/4, Sec. 12 T. 32 S., R. 55 E. in the Skagway (A-3) quad.
Septacamera? sp.
66AHx115 (25763-PC) , Juneau , 5.02 mi. S. 5 deg. 30 min. E. from triangulation "Shoe" on south side of entrance to Adams Inlet, about 2.5 mi. S. 33 deg. W. of terminus of White Glacier; near base of prominent continuous limestone unit that extends to SSW from near mouth of Adams Inlet. Collector: C. Hawley, 1966.
Septacamera sp.