Sample: Sample No. 6319 of Whistler and Wolfe, 7/19/63 -- USGS No. Paleobotany loc. 9935
Locality: Field No. 6319 of Whistler and Wolfe, 7/19/63
Description: Lat. 61o 39.2' N., Long. 142o 40.7' W. Lower part of the Wrangell volcanic series. North side of West Fork Glacier valley, elevation 4,500 feet. Coll. Whistler and Wolfe (field no. 6319), 7/19/63.
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: Mc Carthy C-5
Lat.: 61o39.2 ' Long.: 142o40.7 '
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1964 (11/16)
Report by: Jack A. Wolfe
Referred by: E. M. MacKevett , Jr.
Age: No Data
Formation:Frederika Formation (Revised; Robert B. Blodgett, 11/21/2005 ) (original assignment: Wrangell Lava)
Comment:Alnus largei and Betula sublutea are, in the Kenai Formation, only found in the early and middle Miocene Seldovian Stage; the latter species is even more restricted, and is only known from one upper Seldovian locality. In Japan, B. sublutea has been recorded only from what is called middle Miocene. Populus kenaiana is known from both the Seldovian and Homerian, and it thus thought to range throughout the Miocene. The new species of Symphoricapos also occurs in both the Seldovian and Homerian, although it is much more common in the latter stage.

The flora from 9935 appears, therefore, to be of Seldovian age, and probably of late Seldovian age. Most of the floras from other localities in the Wrangell volcanics also appear to be of this age and contain several warm-temperate to temperate exotics, for example, Pterocarya, Ulmus, and Acer. It is notable that these floras also have a more prominent representation of Pinaceae than the approximately synchronous floras of the Cook Inlet basin; this difference probably may be attributed to the greater relief and perhaps greater elevation of the Wrangell Mountains during the Miocene. The material that you submitted last year from the west side of the Nizina River valley, however, contains a species of Alnus that is characteristic of the Homerian Stage. I suggest that the lower part of the Wrangell volcanics may contain beds of both late Seldovian and Homerian age.

No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Plants Glyptostrobus sp.
2 Plants Picea sp.
3 Plants Pinus sp. (5-needled)
4 Plants Populus kenaiana Wolfe
5 Plants Alnus largei (Knowl.) Wolfe
6 Plants Betula sublutea Tanai & Suzuki
7 Plants Symphoricarpos sp.