Sample: Sample No. Cleveland 30107
Locality: Field No. Cleveland 30107
Description: Wulik River tributary, float in creek bed.
Location: Alaska Quadrangle: De Long Mts
Title: Report on Referred Fossils ,  1977 (01/06)
This report covers 11 collections from the Delong Mountains Quad. of which 4 are from the Kogruk Limestone, 5 are from a Mississippian shale-chert-sandstone sequence and 2 are from Triassic cherts.

All collections from the Kogruk are float and three of these consist only of indeterminate crinoid columnals. The fourth is a lithostrotionoid coral, typical of this late Mississippian formation in the western Brooks Range.

Report by: J. Thomas Dutro , Jr.
Referred by: G. Cleveland
Age: No Data
Formation: Kogruk Formation (Kogruk Limestone)
Comment:These three collections [30107, 30461, F-1] are pelmatozoan calcarenite composed of large crinoid columnals and other bioclastic debris. The rock type is characteristic of some beds in the Kogruk, but the fossil debris is indeterminate.
No. Group Name Qty Notes
1 Crinoids large crinoid columnals